Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Yes we did!

Amazing, isn't it? Senator Obama is now President-elect Obama. With one day of voting, America has become an innately better place than it was just a day before.

I'll be retiring this blog after today, but want to remind everyone that our work is not done. President Obama will need just as much support, optimism, and hard work from us as Candidate Obama did. So celebrate and rest today, but be ready for more wonderfully rewarding hard-work as we continue to make this country a better place for our children.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Something you can do RIGHT NOW (or during nap time) to get Obama elected!

So many of us are anxious about the election and want to do all we can to be a part of the movement to get Obama elected. It can be hard to find time for meaningful campaign work, but the Obama campaign has made it easy for us - they've also made it clear that voices of WOMEN need to be heard around the country.

Use your voice and an hour or so of your free time to call another female voter in a swing state - you don't have to leave home - you can even do it in your pajamas.

It's so easy that there's no excuse. One call could mean one more vote for Obama, and each of those votes WILL add up to a victory.

So get to work, mommas! Here's the link for how to get started:

Friday, October 10, 2008

Our kids would know better.

It appears John McCain and Sarah Palin have forgotten everything their mommas must have told them about how to behave. Negative campaigning is ugly, but it's expected, especially when they're feeling rather desperate about their position in the polls. We have seen the booing and the negativity sanctioned by the Republican party at their own convention, and that, too, is to be expected (although no child of mine will be raised to boo anyone or anything).

No, what I'm talking about is standing up for what is right and knowing when a terrible line has been crossed.There are reports from mainstream newspapers that on Monday, a man in the crowd at a Sarah Palin rally shouted out "Kill him" when Obama's name came up. The threat was taken seriously enough that the Secret Service investigated the matter. Other shouts included "Terrorist!" Meanwhile, at a McCain rally in Pennsylvania, the opening speaker repeatedly and pointedly used Obama's middle name, Hussein, to stir up the crowd into a hotbed of hate and fear. In both of these cases, Palin and McCain stood by smiling.

Mommas, I know you're raising your children right. For those with children that are old enough to follow the election, use these moments as a teaching tool to demonstrate how to behave honorably and how to stand up for what is right. Let them role play situations in which they have to stop someone from saying something mean or hateful. It's hard, but giving them the words to use and letting them practice them in a safe situation is the first step. Children have to learn how to interrupt bad behavior and put an end to hate in the world around them. It takes honor and it takes courage to do this. It has become clear that John McCain and Sarah Palin lack both.

For more information on the ugliness of anger in the campaign and the extremes it has come to, please read:

Friday, October 3, 2008

Hit the streets, Mommas! (And don't forget your kids!)

Last weekend my husband, baby, and I went over to Pittsburgh to visit my eldest sister and to knock on doors for Obama. We live in an area that always goes Democratic, so we were excited to hit the ground in a place that would count.

Some people are really intimidated by going door to door, but we had a secret weapon - KIDS! Even if you come across someone who is strongly supporting the wrong guy, unless they're really evil, they're not going to be mean to you if you have your kids with you! We convinced my sister's older kids, 6 and 8, that we needed them to come with us, and they took great pride in scootering from house to house and standing in the driveway of each house to "protect" us from any meanies! And just think how proud your kids will be when, years from now, they can say they worked to help elect Barack Obama in this historic election.

Obama Mommas (and their kiddos)

My husband had Rosie in the Bjorn, and that picture of cuteness was just too much for some voters - we're sure that she was the key to moving some votes from undecided to Obama's column. One older couple took such a fancy to her that they invited her inside and fed her some Cocoa Puffs while my husband talked politics. That's got to be a vote for Obama! :)

So, mommas, it's Friday. Obama and Democratic party offices will be leading canvasses all weekend long. It's fall, it's beautiful, and there's only one month left before the election. Hit the streets for Obama!

(Rosie in her Baaaa + Rock onesie)

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Mommas want a debate!

This momma is glad to hear that the presidential debate will likely go on as planned tomorrow night. Questions on the economy will likely outshine the supposed debate theme of foreign policy . . . be sure to watch and cheer for Obama! Make it a party -invite people over! Make it a drinking game - take a swig (and try not to choke) every time the word "maverick" is used, for instance! :) Whatever you do, stay involved and stay motivated for Obama. Just 40 days left!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Keeping it light today . . .

I got my Obama Mama t-shirt in the mail today - guess I know what I'll be wearing for the next 48 days!

On a separate but related note, a friend just showed me this fun "Obama Baby" video on YouTube - if you haven't already seen it, check it out!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Saturday, September 13, 2008


Looking for more like-minded moms? Visit the ladies over at It's a super website filled with more Mommas for Obama!

Friday, September 12, 2008


I've been absolutely crazy over the past few days and was starting to succumb to the Democratic blues - you know, those desperate times when moving to Sweden sounds like it will be necessary come November 5th?  I think we've all been there . . . 

I'd like to thank an Obama Momma-to-be, my old pal Jesslyn, for sharing this link with me and talking me down from the edge:

Deep breaths, Dems - we can do this! Stay positive and stay motivated, mommas!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Barack Obama reminded me of the need - the deep, serious need - to stay on the high road during this campaign in his response to the ridiculous "lipstick on a pig" phony controversy:

"Enough" Mr. Obama said, interrupting a speech on education to address the latest controversy in the heated presidential campaign.  "I don't care what they say about me, but I love this country too much to let them take over another election with lies and phony outrage and swift boat politics.  Enough is enough."  

Go, Obama, go!  

Monday, September 8, 2008

What Mommas Like

Mothers are charged with protecting their children and raising them to be the best little people they can be.  We have certain virtues that we generally approve of, and others that we strongly disapprove of:

Mommas like:
  • Truthfulness
  • Generosity
  • Intelligence
  • Kindness
Think about June Cleaver or Claire Huxtable - heck, even think of your own mom rather than one from television, if you can - and hopefully you'll be able to agree with me that most mothers are out to promote good in the world through raising their children with these values.  

That's why we mommas need to be working for Obama!  Sure, many Republicans are hoping we'll be swayed by the impressive juggling act that Sarah Palin has done keeping five children and the state of Alaska all up in the air at one time . . . but thinking back to the virtues we mommas so cherish, has she also been able to uphold and promote those?  Is it generous to cut funding for teen moms?  Is it kind to mock a man for his service to his community?   Is it intelligent to ban books?  I don't even know where to start on the truthfulness question . . . 

Think about these momma virtues, help me add more to the list, and help me prove to the nation that Obama is the man to uphold these virtues.  

Thursday, September 4, 2008

No time to lose!

Today is September 4th.  We have exactly two months until the presidential election, and there is no time to lose.  Mommas, we have to unite for Obama!  

Barack Obama is the right candidate for women.  His personal life and his policies all celebrate strength, choice, and equality for women, and he promises a hopeful future for our children.  

Wherever you are in the nation or the world, you can help get Obama elected.  Please go to http://www. or find the local campaign office in your area to volunteer!