Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Barack Obama reminded me of the need - the deep, serious need - to stay on the high road during this campaign in his response to the ridiculous "lipstick on a pig" phony controversy:

"Enough" Mr. Obama said, interrupting a speech on education to address the latest controversy in the heated presidential campaign.  "I don't care what they say about me, but I love this country too much to let them take over another election with lies and phony outrage and swift boat politics.  Enough is enough."  

Go, Obama, go!  


Becca said...

Seriously. And, why did no one comment the same when McCain made the same comment about Hillary Clinton's health care program? Wasn't sexist then?

Tom & Beth said...

thanks for doing this & thanks to kelsey for advertising on facebook! I wish Obama made the "my mamas for obama' shirts- you can only buy them from unofficial sources. You should add the 'followers of this blog' gadget so we can see the numbers grow! :)

Kristin (who should be reading) said...

Thanks for the idea - I just added the follower gadget! :)

abby said...

yay, another obama mama! didn't know you were as fired up as i the blog, keep it coming!

abby said...

oops, that comment from "ava" is actually from me :)

Kristin (who should be reading) said...

Thanks for clarifying, Abby! :) Good to "see" you!